Spring Break
Well like I said in my last blog “with school starting then it may be a while before the next blog”, I guess that was the truth.

The quarter finished up well and I must say that I had a fantastic quarter. With most of my friends on the New Zealand abroad I had to branch out and meet new people and I did just that making some amazing friends along the way.
So as the quarter rapped up I was left with a choice about what to do for spring break, do I go out to Colorado to ski or do I try a sport that I have been wanting to do for a few years now, kite boarding? Well kite boarding got the nod so I drove 16hrs out to North Carolina’s outer banks to take a few lessons.

To those that have not seen the sport before, basically it is wake boarding but instead of using a ski boat you use a 20+ ft wide kite. I did the courses at Kitty Hawk Kite school, which as the name suggests is in Kitty Hawk, home of the Wright brothers and there famous first flight. There is a monument and museum on the very hill which they flew off and I spend one afternoon exploring that place.
As for the kite boarding it was intense, and thankfully I was able to feel self sufficient after only 4 times out. So now I can continue the sport out here at school and I actually think I have found a good spot to ride. Its only 15 minutes away and as long as its not duck hunting season I think I’m good.

On my trip I also just so happened to drive through Charlottesville, Virginia, which is where my good friends Whit and Courtney live with their two kids, Ashlyn and Hudson. I spent a couple to great days with them catching up as it had been 4 years since we had last seen each other.
So now I am back at Prin, about to gear up for another quarter, so once again it will probably be a while before the next blog, so bye for now.

The quarter finished up well and I must say that I had a fantastic quarter. With most of my friends on the New Zealand abroad I had to branch out and meet new people and I did just that making some amazing friends along the way.
So as the quarter rapped up I was left with a choice about what to do for spring break, do I go out to Colorado to ski or do I try a sport that I have been wanting to do for a few years now, kite boarding? Well kite boarding got the nod so I drove 16hrs out to North Carolina’s outer banks to take a few lessons.
To those that have not seen the sport before, basically it is wake boarding but instead of using a ski boat you use a 20+ ft wide kite. I did the courses at Kitty Hawk Kite school, which as the name suggests is in Kitty Hawk, home of the Wright brothers and there famous first flight. There is a monument and museum on the very hill which they flew off and I spend one afternoon exploring that place.
As for the kite boarding it was intense, and thankfully I was able to feel self sufficient after only 4 times out. So now I can continue the sport out here at school and I actually think I have found a good spot to ride. Its only 15 minutes away and as long as its not duck hunting season I think I’m good.
On my trip I also just so happened to drive through Charlottesville, Virginia, which is where my good friends Whit and Courtney live with their two kids, Ashlyn and Hudson. I spent a couple to great days with them catching up as it had been 4 years since we had last seen each other.
So now I am back at Prin, about to gear up for another quarter, so once again it will probably be a while before the next blog, so bye for now.
Oh yeah, I got to surf as well!